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Pepperoni Roll Fundraiser Orders Pick up May 1 between 2-3 PM

This is just a reminder that all Pepperoni Roll orders can be picked up between 2-3:00 on Wednesday, May 1.  All proceeds will go to benefit the Bed Battalion which helps provide beds for children in need.  Thank you for all of your support!  

Scholastic Book Fair

 Scholastic Book Fair
Monday, May 6th - Wednesday, May 8th from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday, May 9th 8:00 am - NOON
CHECK OUT a new payment option- The eWallet 

Huron County Sheriff's dog Justice visits preschool

A special thanks to Mike Lloyd from the Huron County Sheriff for bringing in his police dog Justice to visit the preschool today!  Officer Lloyd talked with the students about how Justice works as a police dog.  The students were able to pet Justice and all students received a Justice trading card.  Deputy Mitch was there as well and passed out Junior Deputy stickers to all of the students.  Thank you again to Officer Lloyd and Deputy Mitch for taking the time for our students!  

Kindergarten and First Grade Write Letters to Santa

 The kindergaren and first grade classes wrote letters to Santa this week.  Each student was able to write a letter and all of the letters were collected from each classroom in a large envelope.  They even had a postal worker stop by to collect the large evelopes.  I hear that Santa will be writing the children back as well.  I just hope there was enough postage on the evelope!  A special thanks to the high school students in TLC who made this possible!

2018-2019 Penny Wars update

I wanted to thank all of the students.....and staff.....for helping us reach our goal for Penny Wars this year!  All of the money raised goes to help fund field trips as well as student incentives.  My punishment this year for reaching our goal is for me to wear a keep an eye out in the near future.  Thank you again for helping us reach our goal-your help is greatly appreciated!

Barn Hill Animal Preserve

We had the Barn Hill Animal Preserve make a trip to our school last week.  There were two assemblies, one for K-4 and one for 5-8.  The preserve brought animals that were not native to Ohio including a baby kangaroo, bearded dragon, hedgehog, armadillo, skink and a tourtoise.  The presenters walked around with each animal and shared with the students information about them.  Students were also able to get a picture with one of the animals for only $10.  Best of all-this was a free assembly for our students!  A special thanks to the Barn Hill Animal Preserve for making this exciting assembly possible! 

Reading to Students in English and Spanish

Reading to the class. Miss Jordan's class had a special treat when they had a story read to them.  But there was something different about this story because Miss Jordan and Mrs. Cabello read to the class in both English and Spanish!  Each teacher took turns reading the page to the class who sat in amazement.  What a wonderful experience for everyone! 

Bowling at Dynasty Lanes

 The Elementary students were rewarded for great behavior for the second quarter and took a bowling trip to Dynasty Lanes!  As you can see from the pictures, the students had such an awesome time bowling!  I cannot say enough of how proud I am of our students and their terrific behavior-keep it up!

Donations Request

The Elementary is looking to raise funds for new technology and we are looking for some help from the community.  I am looking for someone local that may be interested in donating a product or service that we could raffle off to the community to help raise funds for the technology.  If anyone would be interested in making a donation or have suggestions on who I could call for one, please contact me at the school at 419-752-5021.  Your help is greatly appreciated!  Mr. Richards

Reading Connection

Each month we will be sending home a Reading Connection newsletter which is also on the elementary website on the left hand side of the page.  The purpose is to get students involved with reading at home as well as school.  Each newsletter is filled with various reading activities you can do with your child at home.  We hope you will take advantage of this awesome resource! 

Bubble Science Assembly

As you can tell from the pictures below that our Bubble Science Assembly was a huge success.  Students learned how bubbles were made and the science behind it.  Several students and staff members were participants in the assembly as well!

Bubble Science Assembly

We will be having our quarterly assembly to reward student behavior on April 1 at 1:45 entitle Bubble Science.  Students may come to the assembly if they have no office referrals for the quarter.  This will be an exciting assembly and I look forward to seeing all of the students at the assembly.  Needless to say there should be some great pictures from this assembly!

Mrs. McCormack's class performs The Double's Rap


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South Central Elementary School

South Central Elementary School 
3291 Greenwich-Angling Rd.
Greenwich, OH. 44837
Phone: 419-752-5021
Fax: 419-752-8705
Nathan Richards, Principal

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