April 2019
To the South Central Community:
Our school year is three-fourths complete; before long, we will be enjoying sunshine and outdoor activities!
As you are aware, the Board of Education recently entered into contract with Fanning Howey Architectural Firm to assist the district with its next steps on the journey toward a possible facilities project with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC). A Core Committee of internal and external stakeholders was developed, and this committee has met several times to gain an in-depth understanding of the OFCC process as well as be engaged in critical conversations about what a facilities project might “look like” for the South Central community. The next step of our journey was to solicit a larger group of community stakeholders to provide further input and discussion around what a facilities project might entail for our district. This group, known as the Facilities Advisory Committee, will convene about six times between now and late August. Fanning Howey staff will facilitate the meeting discussions, with an intended outcome being a focused vision for our district. There will also be two or three community at-large meetings that will be open to the public; these meetings will be designed to gauge community support of our facilities vision. A link on our website (http://southcentralfac.com) contains meeting notes, assessment reports and other useful information about our possible facilities project.
Our students are in full-swing with state testing. Students will participate in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies testing throughout the months of April and May. Students are encouraged to get a good night’s rest the day before their test(s), eat a healthy breakfast the day of the test, and, as always, give their best effort on each test! Thank you, parents/guardians, for your encouragement of your son/daughter to do their best.
I continue to simply enjoy my position as superintendent in this awesome district. When I walk through the halls of both buildings, and stop into classrooms occasionally, I continue to be excited about the awesome enthusiasm for teaching and learning that happens continuously and regularly. When I am stopped by community members, the typical response is one of pride for the school system. This makes me proud to be a Trojan!
Check back to this webpage for periodic updates from me on the activities and successes of our school. I will attempt to provide new messages monthly.
Together we can,
Ben Chaffee, Jr.
South Central Local Schools