On April 10, 2013 the South Central FFA held their annual FFA Banquet. Members and their families spent the night recognizing one another's accomplishments. Certificates and awards were handed out to many very deserving members. After a delicious meal and opening ceremonies, a slideshow featuring FFA events and then a video made by the chapter were shown. Then the awards program began.
First on the agenda were officer books. Secretary Megan Cornish received a certificate and a pin for her gold rating on her secretary's book. Treasurer Zeb Burton received a certificate and a pin for his silver rating on his treasurer's book. News Reporter Tiana Morris received a certificate and pin for her silver rating on the reporter's scrapbook and articles printed.
Awards for Career Developmental Events (CDE) were presented next. All of those who participated received a certificate and pin. Mickala Brusacorum, Amy Gannett, Rebeka Mikalacki, LeeAnn Montgomery, Greg Cornish, Megan Cornish, Jeremiah Adams and Chandler McCormack were awarded for their efforts in the Rural Soils CDE. As for the Urban Soils team, Zeb Burton, Rachel Mikalacki, Summer Long, Dakota Jones, Bryce Leber and Ethan Oney were recognized for their time. Amy Gannett, Rebeka Mikalacki, David Seidel, Dakota Jones, Ryan Clark and Zeb Burton were recognized for participating in the Forestry CDE. Recognized for demonstrating the proper way to conduct an FFA meeting were the Parliamenty Procedure team, consisting of David Seidel, LeeAnn Montgomery, Tiana Morris, Megan Cornish, Justin Button, Zeb Burton, Dakota Jones and Mickala Brusacorum. Recognized for their skills in Public Speaking were Megan Cornish, Amy Gannett, Zeb Burton and Terry Copsey. Jeremiah Adams and Chandler McCormick were awarded for participating in the Tractor Troubleshooting CDE. Those awarded for participating in the Small Engines CDE included Collin Warrick, Jeremiah Adams and Dallas Tolliver. Awarded for completing the General Livestock CDE were LeeAnn Montgomery, Rebeka Mikalacki, Dallas Tolliver, Rachel Mikalacki, Jeremiah Adams, Bethany Lortcher, Carrie Lortcher, Madison Ott and Courtney Adkins. Mickala Brusacorum, Karlie Conaway and Sarah Marquart-Gibbs were recognized for participating in the Equine CDE. Amy Gannett, Summer Long, Terry Copsey, Bryce Leber, Andrew Shepherd and Louren Schott were awarded for participating in the Poultry CDE. Presented with an award for completing the Agronomy CDE were David Seidel, Zeb Burton, Justin Button and Dakota Jones. Ryan Clark, Ethan Oney, Devon Parlett, Shelby Toller, Matt Kluding and Guage Frey were recognized for competing in the Wildlife CDE.
Proficiency awards were presented to Carrie Lortcher, David Seidel, Karlie Conaway, Madison Ott, Megan Cornish, Mickala Brusacorum, Ryan Clark, Logan Moore, Zeb Burton, Greg Cornish, Summer Long and Rebeka Mikalacki. These members worked hard in their proficiency area and then filled out a detailed application to be evaluated. Then Leadership awards were handed out to all of the members.
To be handed out next were the Leadership Awards, being separated into three levels. For reaching the first level, Louren Schott, Anthony Jewell, Noelle Conley, Caleb Rose, Eli Brown, Matt Burnsworth, Shawn Hale, Nathan Buchanan, Angel Cutcher, Katelynn Hackney, Alex Baker, Shana Rhoades, Joe Rhine, Jacob Glowinski and Cole Brusacorum were awarded with a certificate and a cup. Tiana Morris, Dakota Jones, Ryan Clark, Collin Warrick, Isaiah Adams, Jeremiah Adams, Madison Ott, Bethany Lortcher, Bryce Leber, Terry Copsey, Logan Moore, Rachel Mikalacki, Dallas Tolliver, Shelby Toller, Andrew Shepherd, Chanler McCormick, Karlie Conaway, Courtney Adkins, Devon Parlett, Brett Whiteside, Ethan Oney, Guage Frey, Matt Kluding, Levi Oney, Cameron Conaway and Breanna Legg were presented with a t-shirt and certificate for reaching the second level. Presented with a cup, t-shirt and hat for reaching the third level were Greg Cornish, Zeb Burton, Rebeka Mikalacki, Megan Cornish, David Seidel, Summer Long, Carrie Lortcher, Justin Button, Amy Gannett and LeeAnn Montgomery.
Awarded next were the FFA degrees. Members worked hard to complete the requirements to receive their respective degrees. Cameron Conaway, Angel Cutcher, Bryce Leber, Katelyn Hackney, Louren Schott, Jeremiah Adams, Andrew Shepherd, Anthony Jewel, Brett Whiteside, Nate Buchanan, Terry Copsey, Ethan Oney, Rachel Mikalacki, Shelby Toller, Dallas Tolliver, Matt Kluding, Isaiah Adams, Alex Baker, Guage Frey and Kortni Thompson were all awarded the Greenhand degree. Awarded the Chapter degree were Eli Brown, Shana Rhoades, Noelle Conley, Karlie Conaway, Sara Marquardt-Gibbs, Chanler McCormack, Caleb Rose, Cole Brusacorum, Zeb Burton, Courtney Adkins, Madison Ott, Bethany Lortcher, Jacob Glowinski and Greg Cornish. It was announced that Summer Long, Amy Gannett, Collin Warrick, Carrie Lortcher, Logan Moore and Rebeka Mikalacki will be receiving their Ohio State FFA degrees at State Convention in May. Derek Sweeting, Jennifer Morgan, Chasity Traxler and Cortney Oney were recognized for being awarded their American FFA degree at National Convention in October.
The Star Greenhand degree was handed out to Jeremiah Adams. Zeb Burton was awarded the Star Chapter FFA. Amy Gannett and Megan Cornish were both awarded the Outstanding Leadership award.
Outstanding members of the community who have helped the South Central FFA chapter in some way were recognized. All of these individuals are greatly appreciated for their support and help. Benjamin Chaffee Jr., Wayne Hinkle, Norman and Kelly Gannett, Tim and Marie Hodge, Lisa and Perry Verburg, Steven and Amanda Metro, Moe and Mary Moore, Pat Montgomery, Paul and Judy Long, Abby Hord, Jeff and Sonya Oney, Bob Morgan, Kendra and Kenneth Clagett, Lowell Etsler, Lowell Kreager, Mrs. Whetstone, Garrett and Cady Verburg, Dave and Daphne Cornish, Richard Flint and Jarod Poth were presented with an Appreciation Award for their support. This year's Outstanding Service Award were awarded to Phil Schaffer and Michelle Seidel for their committment. Tim Dick and Brian Kiesel were presented with the Honorary FFA Degree for their efforts within the chapter.
Last, but not least, the 2013-2014 officers were installed. Replacing President David Seidel was Justin Button. Vice President LeeAnn Montgomery was succeeded by Amy Gannett. Secretary Megan Cornish's position was taken over by Bethany Lortcher. Rebeka Mikalacki filled in Reporter Tiana Morris's spot. Replacing Student Advisor Justin Button was Greg Cornish. Parliamentarian Carrie Lortcher was succeeded by Terry Copsey.
After the basket and hog raffle winners were announced, the banquet was adjourned. Congratulations and good work to each of the members. Everyone deserved their awards. Thanks to everyone who helped the chapter throughout the year.