South Central Local Schools News Article

Parliamentary Procedure County Contest

On November 19th the South Central Officer team participated in the County Parliamentary Procedure contest. The team Consisted of, President Rachel Mikalacki, Vice-President Dallas Tolliver, Secretary Kara Walcher, Treasure Terry Copsey, Reporter Kaycee Burton, Sentinel Marshall Wheeler, Parliamentarian Miles Burton, and Student Adviser Jeremiah Adams. The team must be able to conduct a proper meeting in front of judges. They must also know how to properly discuss and pass a motion, along with doing abilities such as Amend and Postpone Definitely. Most people would find this boring, but you can be as creative as you want in the discussion, and that’s just what we do. Our team placed 2nd and will be moving on to Sub-Districts December 1st. Goodluck to this year's Parli Pro team.

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