South Central Local Schools News Article

2017-2018 FFA Officers

On April 13th the South Central FFA installed their new 2017-2018 officer team. As the year comes to an end and seniors graduate, knew officers are assigned their duties. President Miles Burton handed down the gavel to the 2016-2017 Student Advisor, Grant Seidel. His duties are to preside over meetings, appoint committees, coordinate and plan the activities of the chapter and to represent the chapter in public relations and official functions. Andrew Madison will be taking over Marshall Wheeler's office as Vice President for the upcoming year. His duties as Vice-President is to assume duties of the president if necessary, develop the program committees, and is responsible for all joint activities and cooperative activities and events. Ally Burton will be taking the office of Secretary, previously held by Kara Walcher. She is to prepare and post the agendas for all meetings, to prepare minutes of the meeting, and maintain member attendance. Tommy Reising handed down Treasurer's office to Maddie Vogel. As treasurer she records and receives all funds, and maintains records, invoices and payments. Kaycee Burton will be continuing her office as Reporter, her duties are to prepare, write and submit articles to the local newspapers on chapter activities, take chapter photographs of all events, and must prepare a Reporter’s Scrapbook.Kendall Keene was elected as sentinel, previously held by Andrew Madison, he must assist the president in  maintaining order and keep the meeting room in proper condition. The 2017-2018 President Grant Seidel handed down his Student Advisor role to Brooke Gahring. Where she will advise when the need arises. Desiree Chill was elected as Parliamentarian, her duty is to fill in for any missing officer, be proficient with parliamentary procedure and to rule on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter meetings. The South Central FFA would like to thank Miles Burton, Tommy Reising, Kara Walcher and Marshall Wheeler for all their help in the past years, we hope your time as an FFA Member has served you well.

FFA Reporter,

Kaycee Burton

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